Ya’ll Need More of This Kind of Crazy in Your Lives…
Almost ALL of my profile/bio photos have always been selfies. One or two have been professionally shot, but for the most part, I do it like this:
Stand in front of a decent background.
Fake laugh until I start laughing for real at how goofy I am.
Then snap a selfie.
No joke. Either an old school selfie, or using a timer. One time, I was standing in our driveway again the brick of our house, laughing my head off and snapping selfies when the mailman pulled up. That wasn’t awkward or embarrassing at all.
Anyhoo… That’s what I did this time too. I propped my phone up, set the timer, and goofed it up until I cracked up. I got some shots that I thought were good enough. So I snagged one, and sent it off. Then uploaded it as a new profile pic on my socials while I was at it to keep things consistent.
But right before I hit that PUBLISH button, things got wonky:
My brain:
Me: *hesitantly*
My brain:
You don’t think it’s a little over the top? You’re just going to put your full GOOFBALL out there for everyone to see? All over the internet? I don’t think that’s as flattering as you think it might be…
But it’s just me being silly and real. We need more of that, don’t we?
My Brain:
Me: *starts second guessing*
My brain:
Maybe message it to your friends first and make sure it’s not terrible.
*considers it for a hot minute*
*then realizes we don’t play that I need to get validation and approval and permission from others game anymore*
Me: *hits publish*
My brain:
Nah… It’s cool… Nobody’s going to notice anyway…
*posts it in everyone’s timelines without asking…*
Well, crap.
All of you:
*the sweetest, kindest compliments*
Seriously though. Y’all are the best.
But more than THAT?
Y’all need some of this kind of crazy in your lives too.
What real, authentic, goofball piece of yourself are you hiding from the world? We need more of it. More of you. The whole, REAL YOU.
Your Challenge This Week…
Go take you a laughing goofball selfie of your own. Even if you don’t share it. Just practice being your whole, true self. But if you do post it? Tag me please, so I can return the LOVE!
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What I’m Reading…
Um. So another confession? I have an EPICALLY RIDICULOUS to be read stack of books.
And this doesn’t even include the ones scattered around my house and the office. Or in my KINDLE. Houston, we have a problem!
I’m challenging myself to finish a couple by the end of the month.
*Pro Tip: I added the cover images to my screensaver so it will shame me *ahem* gently remind me to remember to read!
Here’s what I’m working on finishing by the end of the month:

ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)
No, you didn’t miss an episode of the Podcast. I’ve been having a pileup of technical difficulties. Super hubby is coming home tomorrow though, and all will be right with the technology.
While I was waiting, I took a few minutes and got the cover and banner updated and looking fresh. I’ll have that next episode out to you asap! Pinky promise.
Until Next Time…
And whatever you do, in word or deed,
do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Michelle Renee